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Writer's pictureVirginie Esprit

Welcome to 2021 & THE Transformation of the Year

In my practice over the last 11 years I have worked with so many wonderful and gifted Starseeds, Empaths and Intuitives. What most of them all have in common is the struggle to adjust to their life here on earth. Feelings of loneliness, abandonment and betrayal are common for those individuals. Most of them also had difficult childhoods and keep finding themselves in difficult and abusive relationships.

In my endeavour to liberate and activate these most amazing individuals who hold so much light, love and wisdom in their bodies, the Starseed Transformation Program was born, which allows me to reach beyond my local community through online mentoring.

Let me introduce to you what this program entails and hopefully we will get to expand this big soul group on earth by you joining us for this awakening journey.

Each year in February, over the course of 12 months we will go through 4 stages of immense and accelerated growth and learning.

The intention of the 2021 Transformation Program is to call in Starseeds, Cosmic Volunteers, Lightworkers, Wayshowers and Cyclebreakers, Empaths and Intuitives.

Firstly, I wish to call in a soul group of 12 Starseeds that can connect with each other in reality here in 3D.

And secondly, through weekly mentoring, all Starseeds in this soul group will go through an awakening process that shatters all painful illusion and illuminates the shadow aspects for total transformation and inner freedom bringing out each Starseeds unique healing abilities and gifts according to their life’s purpose.

The 2021 Transformation Program is designed to start with where you are at right now and taking you through a personal and spiritual development process which will have you embody cosmic consciousness and experience inner freedom by the end of the year.

What you will find in this transformation program is first and foremost a place to feel safe and understood by fellow Starseeds. I understand the inner struggles of a Starseeds being one myself, I know about the confusion in the body due to the harshness of this world and the pain it creates in our body, mind and soul.

While online courses or correspondence programs are great in accumulating knowledge and tools, real breakthroughs happen when we commit to explore those parts of ourselves that we rather keep hidden.

As your mentor, I care about your progress. I care about your past. I care about where you come from. And I care about your inner struggles. Because behind every struggle and behind every trigger lies YOUR truth and those parts of YOURSELF that have been locked away to keep you safe in this dense world.

It is those locked away and hidden parts of yourself that we will retrieve in 2021 and our aim will be to put you back together, so you shine as brightly as you did when you were born.

Let’s get into the topics we will be covering:

Each year will be structured in 4 terms.

In term 1 we focus on your personal development. we will discuss and explore what makes you tick and with how much baggage you came here and grew up with. We will go in detail into your family constellation, recognising and releasing ancestral trauma, clearing your genetic lineage of suffering, manipulation and abuse, outdated belief systems and programs that not longer work moving into a new world of 5D consciousness.

In term 2 we focus on interpersonal development. we will discuss and explore how to survive and navigate relationships as a Starseed and Empath. How to be yourself and how to show up empowered in your relationships. We will go into your energetic anatomy and the energetic laws of the universe to maintain high energy in your social settings. We discuss the old way of doing relationships and the new way of doing relationships and explore the concepts of Opposites attract vs Like Attracts Like. We will learn how to deal with emotional pain, how to release cellular memory and how to care for your hurting inner child.

In term 3 we focus on your spiritual development. We will discuss and explore the question: “Who am I?” as we tap into our higher selves, activating the feeling body for communication with higher realms. We explore our multi-dimensionality and receive upgrades to our energetic anatomy. We will establish ‘home’ connections to galactic civilisations. We will discuss the power of sacred geometry and symbolism. We discuss how to deal with psychic attacks and dark entities. We talk about channeling, shapeshifting, telepathy, telekinesis as well as the matrix and planetary gridwork.

In term 4 we focus on cosmic consciousness. We will discuss how to embody cosmic consciousness in your daily life. And we will discover the NEW YOU. You will become clear on your higher purpose or purposes and deepening your understanding as a Starseed, Cosmic Volunteer, Lightworker, Wayshower and Cyclebreaker, Empath and Intuitive. We will go into Energetic healing and how to facilitate a healing session for yourself or others using your very own unique skill set.

You will have ample opportunity to check in with yourself, realise how far you have come, recognise your areas of growth and celebrating who you are becoming as I keep notes on your progress.

I invite you to check out the curriculum on my website for more details, so you can get a good understanding and feel about what we will be doing as a group and individually.

If is resonates with you, you feel called, and feel excitement in your body, then come on board.

Not only do we need YOU activated to hold space for others in your family and community but we also need your compassion and knowledge flowing through you in order to help educate those who received the wake up call.

The times have changed and more and more people are awakening to their true nature, leaving suffering and the control matrix on earth behind.

We need all hands on deck.

People who break through the veil, and wake up, will experience loneliness, confusion, anger, frustration, disappointment, betrayal and even abandonment. You probably have experienced or are experiencing these emotions yourself.

It is at those times that we can make a real difference as free and activated Starseeds and Lightworkers, because the trauma of the individual and human kind is in the open for us to see.

I want you to be equipped with invaluable tools and your triggers removed, so you can show up as a leader and handle not only yourself, but others in tough times and even through crises.

To conclude I invite you to take advantage of my experiences of a 15 year long awakening journey and what I call “unfuck-yourself-process”. You don’t have to figure things out by yourself as you go along and meditate for hours each day, hoping for better times, and jumping on a rollercoaster ride with your emotional all over the place, like it did.

When I received the concept of Starseeds and Cosmic Consciousness through my meditations many years ago, there was no physical mentor available that was educated in that field.

What is a Starseed, hadn’t even been recorded in the internet back then. It was a completely new concept and there was no information about any of that and what we are exploring in this transformation program. I had to figure it all out by myself with the help of my galactic guide team. This was the time when I truly learnt to trust.

So please know, you don’t have to dabble around, somewhat lost, for 10 or more years. You can short cut your ascension journey by working with me and joining a small group of like hearted Starseeds and Cyclebreakers.

Come home and join us for our yearly Starseed Transformation Program.

I see you on the other side. ;)

Love, Virginie


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