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I am Virginie Esprit!
Thanks for checking out my corner of the internet, in which healing happens daily. I help individuals manage chronic illness, release trauma, reduce anxiety and develop their spirituals gifts.
Over the past 15 years I have worked with thousands of people from all walks of life and ages (including myself) heal from hopelessness, extreme loneliness, childhood trauma, inter-generational trauma and toxic relationships. As a result of that I have witnessed my clients reverse their Parkinson's dis-ease, recover from asthma, heal from cancer and overcome depression.
Many of my clients and students are empathic and highly sensitive to people and their environments. They also experience a sense of urgency to help the planet or other people in some way. They are indeed gifted healers themselves but didn't know how to access those parts of themselves.
I have witnessed great transformations in those individuals once they connected to this integral and divine part of themselves. Many of them went on to heal their family lineage, teaching and empowering others, write books, become public speakers and open healing centres to share their gifts of healing with others.
I was born and raised in Germany. My name is French but my home is in Australia. ;) I hold a bachelor degree in Human Resource Management and have assisted German co-operations as a HR Manager and Business Developer for many years. I am a trauma-sensitive practitioner trained by the HeartMath Institute, a 7th generation Usui Reiki master teacher and trained Transformation Meditation teacher.
I am currenlty in the process of completing the Advanced Certificate in Digital and Social Media Marketing to stay up to date with the fast paced online world in order to bring as many messages of healing, hope and empowerment to as many people as possible, not just through my own healing business but also by supporting other inspiring leaders to get their messages out too.
As a born spiritual healer I help individuals through my passion business 'TRANSFORMING LIVES' release trauma, manage chronic illness and develop their spiritual gifts so that they can heal, grow and thrive.
And as an experienced social media manager and digital marketer I help spiritual healers and transformation coaches through my second passion business 'TRANSFORMING BUSINESSES' to upgrade their online presence so that their businesses can grow, expand and help as many people as possible too.
I am based on the east coast of NSW in Australia where I run a thriving practice. I assist my clients in person and online. As a 7th generation Reiki master teacher of the Usui lineage, an accredited master teacher of Angelic Reiki®, a master teacher of SEKHEM and Celestial Reiki I have initiated over 1000 students into the healing arts.
In my work with my clients I specialise in trauma & cellular memory release and AI implant technology removal. I focus on transferring 5D consciousness into the collective consciousness on earth and unplug Starseeds from the 4D artificial intelligence control and false light matrix. My purpose is to liberate Starseeds from all FEAR that keep their body and mind hostage.
In a safe and relaxed environment, I help my clients and students to locate fearful and trapped emotions in their bodies, that hold a high energetic charge, originating from physical, sexual, emotional or mental abuse and other unprocessed traumatic life and/or past-life experiences, that cause chronic illness, trauma and/or anxiety in their lives.
My purpose is to reconnect Starseeds, Lightworkers, Cyclebreakers, Healers, Empaths and Intuitives with their true essence of self, their star origins and star families and to activate them so they may recognise and pursue their life's purpose and earth mission while utilising and sharing their universal gifts and embodying their cosmic frequency they came here to emit.
As an intuitive indigo Starseed and akashic record reader I access universal information and download healing concepts and tools that assist not only my clients but humanity as a whole in the shifting of their consciousness, which allows for an acceleration of the ascension process through the release of ancestral and inter-generational traumas, past lives and through the healing of their multi-dimensional bodies. I remain connected to my higher avatar 'Kaleila', my main spirit guide and beautiful tall blue female being, who is an Andromedan ambassador of the council of the federation of light. For over a decade, I have been providing thousands of clients and students with teachings, attunements as well as consciousness and DNA activations which have been assisting in remembering who they are and how to align themselves with their divine mission here on earth. For many of my students life began to make sense again.
MY QUALIFICATIONS - Health and Well-being
Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath®️ Practitioner
Transformation Meditation and Minfulness Teacher
Angelic Reiki®️ Master Teacher
Reiki Master Teacher
Sekhem Master Teacher
Celestial Reiki Master Teacher
Cellular Memory Release Practitioner
AromaTouch Technique®️ Practitioner
Advanced ThetaHealing™ Practitioner
Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner
Certificate in Buddhism and Psychoanalysis
Australian Bush Flower Essences® Practitioner
Cyrstal Dreaming®️ Practitioner
Angel Intuitive™
Bachelor of Human Resource Management
International Business Management
Advanced Certificate in Social Media and Digital Marketing
Training and Assessment for Apprentices
Business Administration and Office Management
Work, Health and Safety for Operational Managers
Mental Health First Aid Course
Child Protection and Awareness Training
Anaphylaxis and Emergency Care for Children
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