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What if you could improve the quality of your life without being controlled by your triggers and subsequently having to self-medicate,
so that you can finally heal and start enjoying life
the way you always wanted.



  • You experience psychological symptoms such as:

    • fear, anxiety, depression, PTSD, stress, worry, anger, hopelessness and helplessness

    • difficulty coping with emotional, social and psychological challenges

    • difficulty regulating your emotions in every day life and social events
    • feeling emotionally numb and experiencing flash backs to the time of trauma
  • You experience behavioral symptoms such as:

    • difficulty focusing, learning and finishing projects

    • procrastination and lack of motivation

    • highly sensitive to your environment, sensory stimuli, easily overwhelmed and reactive to your triggers

    • avoiding conflict and social situations, self-isolation

    • excessive smoking and use of alcohol and misuse of pain medication

  • You experience physical symptoms such as:

    • chronic headaches, neck and back pain, abdominal pain, loss of appetite or overeating

    • exhaustion, fatigue and/or insomnia

    • low immune system, chronic inflammation and an overwhelmed nervous system, memory loss

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Doctors may be well equipped for the biomedical aspects of care but not for the challenges of understanding the psychological, social, and cultural dimensions of trauma, abuse and the debilitating effects of domestic violence. Most trauma survivors feel disheartened by the lack of emotional, mental and spiritual support and the survivors needs for validation.

"We have to understand that the body seeks equilibrium. It always restores health. We simply have to get our troubled mind out of the body's way."
Virginie Esprit

imagine this...

What if I told you there was a better way?

Calm your overwhelmed nervous system. Move from feeling triggered to inner peace.


 Epigenetics is an emerging science of how your behaviors and environment cause changes that affect the way your genes and ultimately your body work. Unlike genetic changes, epigenetic changes are not permanent and therefore reversible. That means that you are not a victim of your genes and that most dis-eases and chronic ill-nesses can be released from your cellular memories.

Somatic Bodywork
Somatic bodywork is any type of bodywork, such as massage, reiki, body awareness, EFT or kinesiology. It facilitates deep healing by gently inviting your body to open and release historical patterns, contractions, tension, and possibly trauma. Together we consciously work with your inner perceptions and your body's reactions to emotions, thoughts, your intuition and imagery and your spiritual insights.

Timeline Therapies

Timeline therapies take you back in time to recover memories from early childhood and even past or in-between lives. They recognize that our current behaviors and health conditions stem from adverse childhood and traumatic past life experiences where our needs weren't met due to neglect or abuse. Together we address your needs and heal trauma and attachment wounds that created your ill-ness.

Kind words from clients & students...


The Release Trauma in 8 Weeks Program!​

Calm your overwhelmed nervous system. Move from feeling triggered to inner peace.

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Here's what's included:

​A heart-centred approach in a loving, supportive and trauma-sensitive environment that allows the nervous system to regulate and the wounded spirit to trust in life again.

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 8 Private Sessions

  • 8 x 1 hour sessions per week, either online or in person that are tailored to your very own specific needs and are designed to restore a sense of safety and well-being within yourself.

  • We will work toward your personal goals and desired achievements

  • All sessions are private and confidential.

 Process Documentation

  • Detailed interview in which we discuss your circumstances and formulate your healing steps.

  • Study and evaluation sheets that assist in the implementation of the knowledge gained and document the process you are making.

  • Handouts and/or mp3 recordings of the techniques discussed, so that you can continue to apply them in between our sessions.


  • Q&A email or messenger correspondence throughout the program.

  • Access to my Facebook support group.

how it works...

Here are the steps we're taking.​

After you have signed up for the 8 week program you will be send a simple interview and self-evaluation form which will be the basis for our sessions. It will not only assist us in formulating your intention and desired outcomes but it will also be the guideline throughout the program.

why it works...

Wait, our cells do what?

Ancient teachings have always known, and science has now proven, that it takes 21-28 days to break a habit, because your cells are constantly renewing themselves. That means physically and psychologically you are not the same person you were 6 months ago. Knowing that and supporting your body in this way allows you to literally grow into the preferred version of yourself!


“We are what we repeatedly do.”


I am Virginie Esprit!

Thanks for checking out my corner of the internet, in which healing happens daily. I help individuals manage chronic illness, release trauma, reduce anxiety and develop their spirituals gifts.

Over the past 15 years I have worked with thousands of people from all walks of life and ages. Among many other miracles, I have witnessed my clients reverse their Parkinson's dis-ease, heal from cancer and overcome depression.
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it's your turn...

To join this healing program!

  • 8 x private and tailored sessions

  • Email or messenger support

  • Facebook support group

  • Detailed interview

  • Study and evaluation sheets

  • Handouts and/or mp3 recordings





Join the program

and save $500.

(regular price $1497)



2 x $499


Join the program with two monthly payments and save $499.

(regular price $1497)

If you still have questions, or want to chat, please contact me anytime! I would love the chance to chat further, no pressure, I promise.

other programs...

let's heal, grow, thrive & expand

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